
dr Dorota Godlewska-Werner

Employee of the Institute of Psychology, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economic and Organizational Psychology of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdansk. From 2016 to 2019, she served as Deputy Director for Teaching at the Institute of Psychology. She is the head of the Postgraduate Studies in the Psychology of Leadership in Organizations conducted at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Member of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Vice-president of the Association of Business Coaching. Co-author of the book entitled. "Psychology of business coaching". She has extensive professional experience gained through training and consulting projects for various organizations and research in various work-related areas.

Professionally interested in employee development, employee team relations, effective and counter-productive behavior in organizations and leadership in the broadest sense. She carries out research projects on predispositions and professional competencies.

dr Agata Rudnik

D. in social sciences, a graduate of psychology and journalism at the University of Gdansk, she has also completed numerous courses, trainings and postgraduate studies including transport psychology and Scandinavian studies.

Currently in the process of specializing in clinical psychology (children and adolescents). She has pursued internships and fellowships at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm University, University College London, Birkbeck, University of London and the University of Edinburgh, among others.

She is the initiator and director of the Academic Psychological Support Center at the University of Gdansk, an assistant professor at the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology at the UG Institute of Psychology, and a psychologist at the MSWiA Hospital in Gdansk, among others. She primarily looks at and researches health-related quality of life and how we can take care of our well-being.

dr Marcin Szulc, prof. UG

Professor at Gdansk University of Science and Technology, academic and psychologist at the Faculty of Psychology, Personality and the Faculty of Psychology, Judicial. Bachelor of Psychology - Advisor at the Office of the Ombudsman and Academic Values of the Gdansk University of Science and Technology. Editor in scientific journals.

His scientific interests revolve around the issue of social risks with particular emphasis on the mechanisms of addiction, treatment of addictions, violence and bullying, the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders and problems of adolescence.

He conducts educational meetings for educational boards, parents and adolescents. He is the author of publications on the psychology of social risks.