Evaluation of academic teachers

Academic teachers are subject to periodic evaluation under the conditions set out in the Act on Higher Education and Science and in accordance with the appropriate regulation of the rector of Gdańsk Tech on periodic evaluation criteria for individual groups of academic teachers. The evaluation is conducted at least once every 4 years or at the rector's request and may be positive or negative.

The rector establishes the period for which the academic teachers are evaluated and the date of evaluation.

If there are special reasons for the evaluation, such a request may be reported to the rector by the dean or the head of the inter-faculty or university-wide unit where the academic teacher being assessed is employed.

Depending on the group of employees one belongs to (teaching, research, research and teaching), the evaluation takes into account scientific, didactic, organizational and implementation achievements, as well as the annual evaluation by students and doctoral students, within the scope of fulfilling the didactic duties of teachers.

The periodic evaluation process is processed in Moja PG portal. All evaluation sheets are archived in employee personal file.

Evaluation of non-academic staff

At our University, appraisal of non-academic staff is periodic and is carried out at the request of the Rector or the Chancellor. The appraisal is also an opportunity to express one's opinion on one's job satisfaction at Gdansk University of Technology.

The periodic appraisal process is carried out at Moja PG All appraisal sheets are kept in the employees' personal files.