Survey of job satisfaction of PG employees
Survey period: November 2022
Addressees: employees of Gdansk University of Technology
Purpose: to study the level of professional satisfaction of employees
The questions were prepared by the Team for Analysis and Monitoring of Professional Needs of Employees together with the HR Center.
33.8% of respondents answered the survey. Employees were eager to share their comments on measures to improve the level of job satisfaction, with nearly 1,500 responses to open-ended questions.
Survey diagnosing barriers to the development of young scientists at PG
Survey period: July-September 2022
Addressees: more than 900 scientists (doctoral students and academic teachers, who do not have a doctoral degree or have one, from which it has not been 7 years)
Purpose: to identify the barriers that young scientists face on a daily basis in their work at our University
The questions were prepared by the Team monitoring the conditions of development and research conducted by young scientists, supported by the HR Center.
42% of respondents answered the survey. Scientists indicated the problems they face in the following areas: scientific; organizational and administrative; infrastructure and health and safety; ethical; interpersonal; and concerning their well-being and 'work-life balance' in general.
The results of the analysis have become an element that initiates dialogue between young researchers and the University authorities and departments. As a result, meetings are being held between young researchers and experts and specialists in various areas of the University to jointly develop concepts for solutions.
Survey on bullying and discrimination at PG
Survey period: June-July 2022
Addressees: administrative, engineering and service staff members
Purpose: to monitor and analyze the current state of bullying and discrimination at Gdansk University of Technology
The issues were prepared by the Office of Rights, Academic Values and Equal Treatment, supported by the Center for Strategic Analysis.
42% of respondents answered the survey.