Share your extracurricular activities, successes, achievements, and interests with the university community.
Submissions are accepted through the form: https://link.pg.edu.pl/U22KP
This initiative is part of the Gender Equality Plan (Goal 3, Task 25).
Przemysław Rakowski, M. Sc.
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics

For several years, I have been learning to play musical instruments: the keyboard/piano and the acoustic guitar. I began my musical journey while still living in Olsztyn, around the year 2014/2015.
As I acquired more skills, I started playing guitar in a children's band (called a "schola") in 2017, while living in Pruszcz Gdański, at the Parish in Juszkowo (a town near Pruszcz Gdański). The Parish had a digital piano, donated to the local priest by one of the parishioners, so I began to accompany the schola on this piano during Mass. In September of this year, I bought a new keyboard, on which I still play and practice in the afternoons.
I really enjoy it. It is my hobby that allows me to relax and take a break from daily responsibilities. Currently, I am not a member of any musical band, but I would be very willing to play together with someone, either on the keyboard or guitar. Overall, I have noticed that through learning music and playing musical instruments, I have developed. Although I am not able to immediately recognize the key of a piece of music when I hear it on the radio, for example, I am quite good at recognizing the chord progressions that make up the piece. I do not have a favorite music genre, but most of the songs I like to listen to come from the Pop and Rock genres.
Therefore, most of the songs I play on the keyboard or guitar also come from these genres. As I mentioned earlier, I would be happy to share my knowledge with someone who is just starting or would like to start learning to play a musical instrument such as the guitar or keyboard/piano.
I would also be very interested in trying to form an amateur band with any of the employees of PG if there are others at the University who share this passion.