Below you will find answers to the questions most frequently asked by our employees.
If you don’t find an answer to your question, write to us:

We will answer the email individually.

The answers to frequently repeated questions will be posted successively. 

Select a topic group:


What do I need to prepare before signing my first employment contract?

If the documents listed below have not been previously provided to HR by the employing unit, one should have them when signing the employment contract:

  • an ID card,
  • a completed employee onboarding form,
  • completed personal questionnaires,
  • original diplomas confirming education,
  • current medical certificate
  • documents entitling you to a seniority allowance.
How will I receive information that I can sign the employment contract?

The employee receives information that the contract is ready for signature from the employing entity.

Whom should I inform about changes to the terms of the employment contract (full-time, position, remuneration)?

An official letter regarding changes to the terms of the employment contract (work time, position, remuneration) should be sent to:

  • the rector -  by academic staff employed as professors and associate professors,
  • the vice-rector for scientific research - by academic staff employed in other positions,
  • the chancellor - by non-academic staff.

The opinion of a supervisor (vice-rector, dean/director of a center/head of an organizational unit) should be obtained in writing. The letter should be submitted by the employee the at their organizational unit. From there it is officially forwarded to HR - Personnel Department.

Can I work for another employer while being employed at Gdańsk Tech?

As an academic teacher, you may, upon the consent of the rector, start or continue only one additional employment with another employer providing teaching or research activities. Entities, offices and institutions listed in Art. 125(3) of Law on Higher Education and Science constitute exceptions.

Work with employers conducting activities other than research or teaching does not require the consent of the rector.

How can I terminate my employment contract?

You can terminate your employment contract as follows:

  • by mutual agreement of the parties - at any time agreed by both parties,
  • upon termination notice - at the end of the termination period.

The length of the notice period for a contract for an indefinite period and a fixed-term employment contract depends on the period of employment with a given employer and amounts to:

  • 2 weeks - if the employee has been employed for less than 6 months,
  • 1 month - if the employee has been employed for at least 6 months,
  • 3 months – if the employee has been employed for at least 3 years.

The employment contract with an academic teacher can be terminated upon notice at the end of the semester (30 September or 28/29 February), subject to the notice period.
The letter of employment contract termination is addressed to:

  • the rector – for academic staff employed as professors and associate professors,
  • the vice-rector for scientific research - for academic staff employed in other positions,
  • the chancellor – for non-academic staff.

In the case of termination of the contract by mutual agreement of the parties, the application should include the approval of the supervisor (dean/director of a center/head of an organizational unit).
The letter should submitted by the employee at their organizational unit. From there the letter is officially forwarded to HR - Personnel Department.

When can I collect my employment certificate after termination of my employment?

The employer is obliged to issue and provide the employee with an employment certificate on the date of termination of the employment relationship, i.e. on the last day the employee retains the status of an employee.

  • upon termination of the employment contract by notice - it is the end of the period referred to as the notice period,
  • upon termination of the contract without notice - it is the day of submitting a termination declaration to the other party,
  • upon the end of the term for which the employment contract was concluded – it is the last day of its validity specified in the contract,
  • expiry of the employment contract - it is the day on which the event causing the termination of the contract occurred,
  • termination of the employment contract by mutual agreement of the parties – it is a date agreed by the parties as the last day of cooperation (date of agreement termination).

You can collect the employment certificate in person or receive it by post to the indicated address of residence. You can also authorize another person to collect the certificate. The authorization can be sent to HR - Personnel Department in electronic form.
If the employment certificate is not collected in person or by an authorized person, it will be sent to the indicated address of residence.

I am ending my employment at Gdańsk University of Technology. Where can I pick up the Employee Offboarding Form?

You will receive the Employee Offboarding Form at your organizational unit or at the HR – Personnel Department:

  • Building B, room 112 - administrative employees,
  • Building B, room 113 – academic teachers.

Who should I report a change of the residential address to?

You report a change of address to the Payroll Department by completing the ZUS ZUA/ZUS ZZA form:


How can I obtain an academic ID card?

You can apply for an academic ID card in Moja PG portal. To submit an application, you need a photo with dimensions of at least 20 mm × 25 mm and a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
The academic ID card is issued for the period of the employment and is extended as follows:

  • every year – for staff employed for an indefinite period
  • every semester – for fixed-term employees.

The fee for issuing the academic ID card is PLN 25. Information on collecting the academic ID card can be found in 
Moja PG.

Where can I pick up the academic ID card?

Information on collection of the ID card can be found in Moja PG.
You collect your ID card in person at HR Center – Personnel Department, Building B, room 110, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Who can obtain a card entitling to enter the university premises by car?

The following persons can get the campus entry card:

  • staff in an employment relationship - the card is valid for the period of employment or until the card is cancelled,
  • persons performing duties under civil law contracts - a card issued upon the approval of the chancellor, valid from the date of notification until the end of the contract or for a period specified in the approval,
  • retired employees of Gdańsk Tech - card issued upon the consent of the chancellor, valid from the date of notification until the end of the academic year or for a period specified in the approval,
  • persons holding the title of Professor Emeritus of Gdańsk University of Technology or the title of Honorary Professor Emeritus of Gdańsk University of Technology - card valid for an indefinite period.

Campus entry cards for new authorized users are issued after sending a completed application, on the form specified in the rules for issuing entry cards to the Gdańsk Tech campus, to the e-mail address: and paying the fee for issuing the card, also specified in these rules.
The rules and the editable version of the application can be found on the website
Each card is assigned to a specific user. The card must not be made available to third parties.
If you need more information, please contact the Security Office at +48 58 347 23 38 or by email:

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I need an employment certificate in English. Where can I get it?

If you need an employment certificate in English, write to the following address: or or call +48 58 347 25 68 or +48 58 347 11 65.

We can provide you with a scan version of the certificate via e-mail address provided. If you want to authorize another person to collect your certificate, write or send us the authorization.

What documents entitle to a seniority allowance or a jubilee award?

Documents confirming the length of service, which are taken into account in the calculation of seniority:

  • employment certificates confirming employment outside Gdańsk Tech,
  • certificate from the employment office confirming the period of receiving unemployment benefit,
  • certificate of completed PhD studies and obtaining a PhD degree,
  • a document confirming completed military service,
  • documents regarding payment of the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (Polish acronym: KRUS) or running a farm.

These documents should be delivered to HR Center – Personnel Department, Building B, room 109.

The seniority bonus amounts to 1% of the basic salary for each year of employment. The bonus is paid monthly, starting from the fourth year of employment, however, the amount cannot exceed 20% of the basic salary.

Documents entitling to the seniority bonus prepared in a foreign language should be delivered together with their translation into Polish by a sworn translator.

How often is periodic employee evaluation performed?

Periodic evaluation of academic teachers is performed at least once every 4 years or at the request of the rector.

The evaluation of employees who are not academic teachers is performed at the request of the rector or chancellor.

What is the procedure for periodic evaluation of employees?

The periodic evaluation process takes place in Moja PG. Guidelines on how to conduct the assessment are provided in the Rector's or Chancellor's Circular Letter.

If you need more information, please contact HR Center - Development, phone: +48 58 348 67 48 or email:

When is an employee entitled to reimbursement for purchasing glasses or contact lenses?

Reimbursement for purchase of corrective glasses or contact lenses is available to an employee if he/she meets the following conditions:

  • is employed under an employment contract;
  • uses a screen monitor during work for at least half of their daily working time (over 4 hours);
  • preventive ophthalmological examination show the need to use corrective glasses when working at a screen monitor, and an occupational medicine physician has issued an appropriate medical certificate confirming such information.

Detailed information can be found in Regulation No. 48/2022 of the Rector of Gdańsk Tech, on occupational health and safety at workplaces equipped with screen monitors.

How can I claim a refund for my glasses or contact lenses?

After receiving a medical opinion containing information on the need to wear corrective glasses while working in front of a screen monitor and buying glasses or lenses, you need to deliver a purchase invoice, issued to your name or to Gdańsk University of Technology (with an annotation of your name and surname), in your organizational unit.

Where can I find periodic health and safety e-learning training for Gdańsk Tech employees?

Periodic health and safety e-learning course applies to academic teachers, administrative and office employees as well as engineering and technical employees of Gdańsk Tech and can be found on eNauczanie platform.

Periodic health and safety e-learning course for managers is provided on a training platform of an external company. The link to the training is sent to the employee obliged to undergo the training via e-mail address.

Where can I check the expiration date of my health and safety training?

You can check the expiration date of your health and safety training yourself at Moja PG.

Where can I check the expiration date of my medical certificate confirming that there are no contraindications for me to work?

You can check the expiration date of your medical certificate yourself at Moja PG.

Can a pregnant woman work at a screen monitor 8 hours a day?

A pregnant woman may work at a computer for a maximum of 8 hours a day, but the time spent using a screen monitor may not exceed 50 minutes at one time, and should be followed by a break of at least 10 minutes, included in the working time.

Can a pregnant woman work in a standing position for more than 3 hours during a work shift?

A pregnant woman, whose nature of work forces her to be in a standing position, cannot perform this work for more than 3 hours a day. Working time in a standing position may last a maximum of 15 minutes at one time, and it should be followed by a 15-minute break.

Who can be a PPK participant?

All employees over the age of 18 and under 55 are automatically enrolled in the PPK. Employees who are at least 55 years of age but under 70 years of age can join the scheme upon request.

Do I have to join a PPK?

No. Participation in PPK is voluntary. This means that an employee can resign from saving in PPK or return to it at any time. A person who does not wish to be enrolled in PPK may make a declaration of resignation from making contributions to PPK.

Does the employer have to ask the employee's permission to enrol him/her in the PPK?

No, in order to enrol an employee in PPK, the employer does not need to obtain the employee's consent. This is because the scheme is subject to so-called automatic enrolment. It is assumed that - if an employed person does not make a declaration to opt out of making payments to PPK - he or she should be enrolled in the scheme automatically. Automatic enrolment applies only to persons between the ages of 18 and 55. These individuals do not need to take any action to become a PPK participant and start saving. Employees who are 55 years of age or older but under 70 years of age must submit an application in order to join this programme.

What is auto-enrolment in PPK?

The PPK scheme has what is known as auto-enrolment, which means that if an employee aged 18-55 has not made a declaration to opt out of making PPK contributions, the employer will 'auto-enrol' them into the scheme. Every 4 years, the employer will be required to re-enrol auto-enrolment into PPK for employees who have made a declaration to opt out of making PPK contributions. The first re-enrolment of auto-enrolment would take place in 2023, followed by 2027, 2031 and so on.

Where can I find more information about PPK?

For more information about PPK, visit

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find detailed information about remote work at our university?

The rules of remote work at Gdańsk University of Technology are provided for in an agreement between Gdańsk University of Technology and trade union on the rules of remote work.

What is the definition of remote work?

Remote work describes work performed entirely or partially outside the employer's premises, in particular using direct communication channels, at a place designated by the employee and agreed with the employer in each case.

What are the rules of remote work?

Remote work types:

  • fully remote work (full-time),
  • partially remote work (hybrid), i.e.partly from the office and other agreed location,
  • occasional (up to 24 days in a calendar year).
Who can work remotely?

Remote work may be performed by employees whose specific nature and character of work allows them to provide work outside the premises of Gdańsk University of Technology and whose application for remote work has been approved by the employer. Remote work can only be performed in the case of the following positions: 1) the performed job does not require physical presence of the employee in the workplace or 2) the performed job does not involve a direct contact with stakeholders, students or university staff, or 3) the performed job can be done through direct communication channels remotely.

How do I apply for occasional remote working?

Application for occasional remote work is submitted electronically through a system used at Gdańsk University of Technology, indicated in remote work web page, currently Moja PG system.

Can I work remotely in the evening/night/early morning?

No, the employee shall perform their work during the working hours specified in §8 of the Work Rules binding at Gdańsk University of Technology, in accordance with their schedule of work. Most often this will be from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Can I work remotely in public places, such as a restaurant or a shopping mall?

It is forbidden to perform remote work in public places, especially where third parties could have the opportunity to see excerpts of business conversations or the work performed by the employee.

Can I use my private computer equipment to work remotely?

While working remotely, the employee should use devices, applications and information systems provided or assigned to them by the employer. In exceptional situations, employee-owned equipment may be used for remote work, provided that the employee does not use systems subject to special security restrictions (as defined by CUI on the Service Catalog web page—Katalog usług in Polish).

Who can approve using private equipment for remote work?

Permission to perform remote work on private equipment may be given by the head of the organizational unit employing the employee, provided that the employee does not use systems that are subject to special security restrictions (as defined by CUI on its Service Catalog web page—Katalog usług in Polish).

What do I need to do to work remotely?

If you want to work remotely, you need to fulfill the following conditions:

  • have the premises and technical conditions for remote work. Safe and hygienic working conditions have to be provided at the remote workplace
  • undergo training indicated on Szkolenia web page (training)
  • become familiar with the remote work risk assessment and the information containing the occupational safety and health rules for remote work
  • read the rules of compliance with safety and protection of information, including personal data protection rules
  • apply for activation of the VPN service at least 7 days before the start of remote work, if it is needed for your work
  • submit an application for remote work through online system used at Gdańsk University of Technology, indicated at, currently in Moja PG
  • obtain permission from the employer to perform remote work.
What documents do I need to provide to work remotely?

If you want to work remotely, you must submit a remote work application and, in addition, the documents mentioned below if you are:

  • a parent of a child with a certificate referred to in Article 4(3) of the Act of 4 November 2016 on supporting pregnant women and families “For life” (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1329),
  • a parent of a child with a disability certificate or a certificate of moderate or significant degree of disability specified in the provisions on vocational and social rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities,
  • a parent of a child with, respectively, an issued opinion on the need for early childhood development support, a decision on the need for special education or a decision on the need for revalidation and educational activities referred to in the provisions of Act of 14 December 2016, Education Law (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1082 and of 2022, items 655 and 1079),
  • pregnant,
  • a parent raising a child up to the age of 4,
  • taking care of another member of immediate family or another person in a common household with a disability certificate or a certificate of significant disability.
When do I apply for remote work?

The application must be submitted through Moja PG system at least 7 working days before the planned date of remote work.

Who is entitled to a fixed amount for performing remote work?

A fixed amount for performing work remotely is due to those who work in this way for more than 24 calendar days per year.

I received the training, but I passed the test with less than 75%, now what?

You must take the training again and retake the test. You can try “untill you make it.”

I am a manager, how will I know if an employee has received training on remote working and data protection and passed the test with a minimum of 75%?

The employee, upon completion of the training, can print out a certificate confirming the training, which they can present to their supervisor when asked.

Can I work abroad?

Remote work should be performed from Poland. Work outside the territory of the Republic of Poland is possible only in exceptional cases, for a period of no more than 6 months in a calendar year.

Who can approve working from abroad?

Permission to perform remote work, after providing justification for such a need, confirmed by the head of the unit, is granted by the rector or a person authorized by the rector in the case of academic staff, and by the chancellor in the case of non-academic staff.



Where can I get information on voluntary employee insurance?

Information on employee insurance can be obtained from HR Center – Personnel Department, Building B, room 108 or over a telephone:
+48 58 347 29 56, +48 58 348 63 75, +48 58 347 20 66, +48 58 347 11 42.

Where and when can I apply for insurance?

You must submit your application in person at the Personnel Department (Building B, room 108) by the 10th day of each month.
When does the insurance period start?

When does the insurance period start?

If you sign the declaration by the 10th day of a month, the insurance starts from the first day of the month following the date of signing the declaration.

Who can apply for the insurance?

An employee may applied for the insurance together with a spouse or life partner.

When can one change the amount of the contribution or cancel the insurance?

If you submit any changes or resignation by the 10th day of a given month, the changes will apply from the first day of the following month.

When can I start using the Medical Care program?

If you sign the declaration by the th of a month, you will be able to use medical care after 30 days counting from the first day of the following month.

Od kiedy mogę korzystać z Opieki Medycznej?

If you sign a declaration of coverage by the 10th of the month, you will be able to use Medical Care from the first day of the following month.

Who can join Medical Care?

You and your spouse or life partner (regardless of age) and children (up to the age of 25, cover lasts until the age of 26) can join the Medical Care insurance.

What is the scope of Medical Care?

You have a choice of four medical service ranges: Standard, Comfort, Comfort plus and Optimum. You can find detailed information and all the necessary documents here

What is the contribution rate?

The premium depends on the coverage and package you choose. You have a choice of individual, partner and family package. You can find the premiums for the individual scopes / packages in the insurance offer.

Jak i kiedy mogę dokonywać zmian w Opiece Medycznej?

If you wish to make changes to your personal details or coverage/package, you can do so again by completing the declarations of coverage and submitting them to the HR Centre - Social Affairs Team (Building B, Room 108).

Changes to the coverage and/or insurance package:

- if you change your package "from lower to higher" - you can do this at any time, if you notify the change by the 10th of the month, it will be effective from the first day of the following month,

- in the case of a change of package "from higher to lower" (in the case of packages, a change from family to partner or individual, from partner to individual or scope, for example, Optimum to Comfort Plus) - you can only do this on the contract anniversary (i.e. 1 June), the change must be notified by 10 May.

If I would like to cancel my Medical Care insurance, by when can I do so?

If you submit your cancellation by the 10th of the month, it will take effect from the first day of the following month. 

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Who can benefit from additional medical and assistance insurance, accident insurance and luggage insurance for employees?

personal accident insurance and baggage insurance for yourself and your family or accompanying persons, including minors.

Application for insurance can be made by designated employees from your organisational unit. Insurance is taken out under the terms of the current contracts in force. For more information:

If you need more information, please contact the Security Centre at +48 58 347 23 38 or by e-mail:


What steps should be taken and what documents should be submitted after reaching the retirement age?

What steps should be taken and what documents should be submitted after reaching the retirement age?
If you have reached retirement age and would like to retire, you need to submit an application for termination of employment in connection with the retirement, specifying the date of termination of the contract, i.e. the last day of work.

You submit your application to:
•    Rector or Vice-Rector for Scientific Research - in the case of academic staff,
•    chancellor - in the case of non-academic staff

and submit it to your organizational unit, which subsequently officially hands it over to HR - Personnel Department. The application should include the approval of the supervisor (dean/director of the center/head of the organizational unit).
Due to the termination of employment in the organizational unit, you collect the employee offboarding form and, after obtaining all signatures, submit it to HR – Personnel Department or to your unit, which then hands it over to HR.

The employee receives an employment certificate from HR (on the last day of employment at the latest) and subsequently has to deliver it to ZUS together with the pension application (form available on the ZUS website). If you have employment certificates from other workplaces, you also need to provide them to ZUS.

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What is the length of maternity leave?

The length of maternity leave, depends on the number of children born at one birth and is:

  • 20 weeks - in the case of the birth of one child in a single birth;
  • 31 weeks - in case of two children born in one birth;
  • 33 weeks - in the case of the birth of three children in one birth;
  • 35 weeks - in case of giving birth to four children in one birth;
  • 37 weeks - in the case of giving birth to five or more children in one birth.


Can I take maternity leave before giving birth?

Yes, an employee may take up to six weeks of maternity leave before the expected date of confinement. After the birth, the maternity leave not taken before the birth will then accrue until it is exhausted.

What is the length of parental leave?

Employees-parents of a child are entitled to parental leave to care for the child up to:

  • 41 weeks - in the case of, the birth of one child in one birth,
  • 43 weeks - in the case of giving birth to more than one child at a single birth.

Important: Each parent of a child has an exclusive right to 9 weeks of parental leave. This right cannot be transferred to the other parent of the child, i.e. the maximum parental leave for one parent is 32 weeks. Taking 9 weeks of parental leave is equivalent to the parent taking the exclusive portion of parental leave to which he or she is entitled.


What is the amount of parental leave in the case of the birth of a child with a severe and irreversible handicap or an incurable life-threatening illness?

Parents of a child with a certificate stating a severe and irreversible handicap or an incurable life-threatening disease that arose during the prenatal period of the child's development or during childbirth (i.e. they have the certificate referred to in Article 4(3) of the Act of 4 November 2016 on "Za życie" support for pregnant women and families) are entitled to parental leave to care for that child up to, respectively:

  • 65 weeks - in the case of the birth of one child in a single birth,
  • 67 weeks - in the case of giving birth to more than one child in a single birth.


In how many parts can parental leave be taken?

Parental leave is granted in weeks: either once or in no more than 5 parts, no later than the end of the calendar year in which the child turns 6.

Do I have to apply for maternity leave along with my application for parental leave?

No. An application for parental leave can be made at a later date. The application for parental leave must be submitted 21 days before the start date of the leave.

What documents are required when applying for maternity and parental leave?

When applying for maternity and parental leave (in whole or in part), you must submit:

  • a copy of the child's abbreviated birth certificate (original for inspection). When applying electronically (attach an electronic copy of the birth certificate, which includes a qualified signature confirming the authenticity of the copy).


Where should I apply for maternity and parental leave?

A paper application should be submitted to the HR Centre - Human Resources, Building B, Room 110. An application completed by the employee may be submitted by the father of the child. The application in electronic form should be sent to Templates of the application and statements are available here.

What is the length of paternity leave?

The duration of paternity leave is 2 weeks. Paternity leave shall be granted either at one time or in no more than 2 parts, neither of which may be less than one week.

Until when can paternity leave be taken?

Paternity leave shall not extend beyond:

  • the child's completion of 12 months of age, where the child was born after 26 April 2023. - the date on which the amendments to the Labour Code Act come into force,
  • completion by the child of 24 months of age, where the child was born before 26 April 2023. - the date on which the amendments to the Labour Code Act come into force.


How do I apply for paternity leave?

An application for paternity leave must be submitted to the HR Centre - Human Resources, Building B, Room 110 no less than 7 (calendar) days before the start of the leave. An abbreviated copy of the birth certificate must be presented when submitting the application. The electronic application should be sent to, The application should be accompanied by an electronic copy of the birth certificate that includes a qualified signature confirming the authenticity of the copy. A specimen application form is available here. 

Who can take health leave?

Health leave may be taken by an academic staff member under 65 years of age, employed full-time, after at least 10 years of employment at the university. The total amount of leave during the entire period of employment may not exceed one year.

Is health leave paid?

Yes. However, during this leave, an academic staff member may not engage in gainful employment.

How can you apply for health leave?
  1. You submit a completed application for medical leave (template available in the Document Repository:) related to your employment to the Dean of the Faculty/Director of the Centre, who prepares a medical referral for you.
  2. The request, together with the referral, is forwarded from the employee's organisational unit to the HR Centre - Human Resources
  3. The application and referral are accepted by the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
  4. Once the application and referral are accepted by the Vice-Chancellor, you report for a medical examination (no later than 30 days after receiving the referral).
  5. You provide a medical certificate stating that your health condition requires you to refrain from work and specifying the treatment recommended and the time required for this treatment to be carried out to the HR - Human Resources Centre, where a letter of medical leave is prepared.
  6. The letter informing you that the leave has been granted is forwarded to the employee's organisational unit.

For more information on the procedure for granting leave of absence for health reasons, please see Appendix 2 to the Working Regulations of the Gdansk University of Technology (ZR No. 46/2020) 

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Social benefits

What is the deadline for applying for holiday funding?

You must submit your application by 10 May each calendar year. If you were hired after this date, only the winter payment, for which you must apply by 31 October, will cover you.

What is the amount of funding?

The amount of the subsidy depends on the average monthly income per family member, calculated in accordance with the ZFŚS Regulations.

What documents do I need to provide?

When submitting your application, you must present for inspection your annual PIT tax return or a certificate from the Tax Office for the previous year, as well as other documents proving your income or lack thereof.

Why do I have to show my, my spouse's and my children's PIT?

Under the current legislation, the employer is obliged to distribute the funds to the employees, making the amount and type of assistance dependent on the employee's material, family and life (including health) situation. In order to do so, it must examine the employee's material situation, and it can do so by examining the income earned in the previous tax year by family members.

When do I have to provide a certificate of my child's learning?

You must provide a certificate of your child's education if your child is aged 18-25. You must provide the certificate every term.

How is the material situation determined? What counts as income?

The material situation is determined on the basis of both taxable and non-taxable income for the previous tax year. Non-taxable income includes, for example, allowances, scholarships, alimony, benefits received for children (including 500+).

Does 500+ count as income?

Yes, 500 + is also included in income. Enter the total amount you received last tax year in your child's income.

Why aren't social benefits paid to everyone at the same rate?

According to the applicable legislation, the employer is obliged to distribute the funds to the employees, making the amount and type of assistance dependent on the employee's material, family and life (including health) situation. Therefore, it is not permissible to pay funds to all employees equally.

What is the deadline for submitting applications for benefits?

There is no set deadline for the submission of applications. The Commission shall meet depending on the number of applications submitted, at least once every two months.

When can I receive random aid?

You can receive a fortuitous aid in the event of a fortuitous event, natural disaster, long-term chronic illness or the need to purchase essential medical equipment.

When can I receive social welfare benefits?

You can receive social assistance in the event of a difficult life, family and material situation - up to a maximum of two times a year.

In what case is a death benefit for a family member available?

You can receive a death grant in the event of the death of a family member:

  • spouse,
  • the child,
  • the parents or stepfather or stepmother, if the biological father or mother is deceased,
  • the parents of the current spouse or the spouse's stepfather or stepmother, if the spouse's biological father or mother is deceased.
What documents do I need to submit in order to receive the allowance?

You must submit an application, an application form, documents confirming income, medical certificates (including chronic illnesses) and other documents supporting the situation described, e.g. invoices, receipts. In the case of a death grant, you must attach a death certificate and documents proving relationship to the application.

Can anyone receive an allowance?

Your application for benefits will be considered by the benefits committee. Each case is treated individually, so it is important that you enclose the relevant documents with your application.

Are the loans interest-bearing?

Loans from the Company Social Benefits Fund are interest-free.

What is the deadline for loan applications?

There is no set deadline for the submission of applications. The Commission shall meet depending on the number of applications submitted, at least once every two months.

What can I get a loan for?

You can receive a loan for the renovation of a flat or house, the purchase of a first flat or the construction of a house, the adaptation of premises to meet the needs of people with disabilities and to cover the costs of buying out a flat currently occupied.

What documents do I need to provide?

During the application process, depending on the purpose of the loan, you will need to submit for review:

  • a document confirming ownership of the house - in the case of a loan for house renovation,
  • building permit or notification of construction - for a loan for construction of a house,
  • document confirming ownership right (e.g. notarial deed) - for a loan for purchase of a flat,
  • a certificate of disability and a permit to perform adaptations - for a loan for adaptation of premises to the needs of disabled persons,
  • a document from a public authority, a co-operative with a valuation and a bank account number or proof of own payment - for a loan to cover the costs of buying out the currently occupied flat
When can I apply for a loan?

You can only apply for a loan for the purchase of your first flat or the construction of a house and for a loan for the buy-out of a flat once. The purchase, construction or buy-out must take place during your employment at Gdansk University of Technology. In the case of other housing purposes, you can apply for a loan more than once, but after the grace period specified in the ZFŚS Regulations.

What is the maximum repayment period?

You can spread the repayment of your home improvement loan over a maximum of 3 years. Repayment of all other loans for a maximum of 5 years.

What holidays for children are subsidised?

The holidays organised in the form of colonies, camps and winter holidays are subsidised. The holiday must take place during the summer or winter holidays and must be reported to the Board of Education.

How often can I claim the benefit and who am I entitled to it for?

You can apply for funding once per calendar year for each of your children under the age of 18.

What documents do I need to submit to receive funding?

Along with your application for a grant, you must submit a document confirming the holiday (invoice, bill, certificate). If the document does not state that the holiday has been paid for, you must include proof of payment.

What is the deadline for applications for holiday funding for children and young people?

There is no specific deadline for applications. If you apply by the 20th of the month, the grant will be paid with your next salary.

As part of my children's holiday funding, can I apply for funding for half-term holidays?

No, it is possible to subsidise colonies, camps and winter holidays under this benefit.

What must an invoice, bill or certificate contain?

The invoice, bill or certificate must show the name and address of the holiday organiser, the name of the person making the payment, the amount and date of the payment, the type of holiday, the date and place of the holiday and the name of the child participating in the holiday.

At what age are children eligible to receive a New Year's package?

The New Year's parcel is given to children aged 3-15.

At what age can children participate in a carnival party?

The carnival party is designed for children aged 3-10 years.

What is the deadline for applying for a New Year's package / attending a carnival party?

What is the deadline for applying for a New Year's package / attending a carnival party?

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Who can sign up for training?

The training courses organised by the HR Centre can be used by any person employed at Gdansk University of Technology. In case of free places, we also allow doctoral students to participate in the training. The prerequisite for participation in the training is the consent of the supervisor.

How can you sign up for training?

You can sign up for the training via the recruitment form, by email or by phone by contacting a CHR - Training staff member. By submitting the recruitment form, you will qualify for the training.

What if there are no places available for training?

If there are no more places available for a training course, you can sign up for the reserve list using the form. If an additional training course is launched, those on the reserve list will have priority to attend.

Where can I find information about training?

You will find information about current and planned training courses in the Employee Zone, under Professional Development - Training. There you will find detailed information on the training along with a ready-made programme to download.

How long does the training last?

Training courses are generally 3 lessons long, i.e. 2 hours and 15 minutes, and are usually held during working hours on the PG campus. Detailed information for each training course can be found in the Employee Zone, under Professional Development - Training.

Is the training repeated?

Training courses that are in high demand are being re-run at other times.

Will I receive a certificate after the training?

After each training course organised by the HR Centre, a certificate is issued in electronic form, which the trainee receives by e-mail.

Will I receive materials after the training?

Yes. Upon completion of the training, the trainee will receive the materials in their email.

Where can you report your training needs?

Submit your training needs in the first instance to your supervisor or by contacting the HR Centre - Training:, + 58 348 67 50-51. If the same needs are reported by more employees, we will add them to the training offer for the next period.

Can I take part in more than one training course?
Yes. If the topics of the training courses are of interest to you, you can sign up for several training courses, with the condition of enrolment being your status as a PG employee or possibly a PG doctoral student and the approval of your supervisor.


What if I have signed up but am unable to attend the training?

Given the high level of interest in the training courses, if you are unable to attend, we kindly ask you to notify us of your absence by email to:

Is supervisor approval needed to attend training?


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Where should an accident at work be reported?

If you have suffered an accident at work and your state of health allows you to do so, notify your supervisor and the Health, Safety and Fire Protection Department immediately. Another employee with knowledge of the incident may also report the accident.

Contact: Health, Safety and Fire Protection Department

+48 58 347 19 98, +48 58 348 62 19, +48 58 348 62 47, +48 58 348 62 48

Once an accident has been reported, the accident team (DBHP employee and social labour inspector) conducts the accident proceedings and draws up an accident report.

Detailed information on the accident procedure can be found in the PG Rector's Order No. 30/2015 on the accident procedure at Gdansk University of Technology.

What benefits am I entitled to if I have suffered an accident at work?

If you receive sick leave as a result of an accident at work and a report is drawn up to establish the circumstances and causes of the accident at work classifying the incident as an accident at work, it will be paid at 100%.

If you have suffered permanent or long-term damage to your health as a result of an accident at work, you can apply for one-off compensation from the Social Insurance Institution. To do so, you submit the following documents to the HR Centre - Human Resources, Building B, Room 110:

Once the documentation has been completed, it will be forwarded by the HR Centre - Human Resources to the Social Security office with jurisdiction over the injured person's place of residence.

Where should I report an accident on my way to or from work?

If you have suffered an accident on your way to or from work and your state of health allows you to do so, notify your supervisor and the Health, Safety and Fire Protection Department immediately. Another employee with knowledge of the incident may also report the accident.

Once an accident has been reported, a DBHP employee conducts an accident investigation and prepares an accident report.


Health, Safety and Fire Protection Department

+48 58 347 19 98, +48 58 348 62 19, +48 58 348 62 47, +48 58 348 62 48

Detailed information on the accident procedure can be found in the PG Rector's Order No. 30/2015 on the accident procedure at Gdansk University of Technology.

What benefits am I entitled to if I have an accident on my way to or from work?

If you receive sick leave as a result of an accident on the way to or from work and an accident card is drawn up classifying the incident as a road traffic accident, it will be paid at 100%.

Where do I get my occupational health checks done?

All occupational health examinations will be performed at the POLMED Medical Centre, 82 Grunwaldzka Avenue, 80-244 Gdańsk (GCH Manhattan building).

How do I register for the study?

You can register by email:, or by telephone:
+48 58 775 95 99, +48 801 033 200. Monday to Friday.

What tests will be performed on me?

The scope of examinations performed depends on the working conditions indicated in the referral for medical examinations, the presence at the workplace of factors that are dangerous, harmful to health or arduous and other factors resulting from the way the work is performed (in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health and Social Welfare of 30 May 1996 on conducting medical examinations of employees, the scope of preventive health care over employees and medical certificates issued for purposes provided for in the Labour Code (i.e. Journal of Laws 2023, item 607)).

To whom should I hand over the original medical certificate?

Once you have completed the examination and received the certificate, you must present it to your work unit. If you use a screen monitor for at least half of your working hours, make sure that the certificate states that you need to use corrective glasses.

How long will I have to wait for the tests?

The service must be provided at the latest within 5 working days counted from the day after registration. The Contractor shall ensure that the medical service is provided Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. In addition, the service must take place during a maximum of 2 medical appointments, unless the doctor orders additional examinations.

Where do I get my occupational health checks done?

Occupational medicine examinations in English will be performed at the St. Padre Pio Clinic 1 Burzyńskiego Street, 80-462 Gdańsk, while chest X-ray examinations will be performed at the Gdansk Health Centre 62 Oliwska Street, 80-542 Gdańsk.

How do I register for the study?

You can register by email:  or by telephone:
+48 512 418 503, +48 512 418 524
(telephone registration possible between 8:00 and 15:00) Monday to Friday. 

What tests will be performed on me?

The scope of examinations performed depends on the working conditions indicated in the referral for medical examinations, the presence at the workplace of factors that are dangerous, harmful to health or arduous and other factors resulting from the way the work is performed (in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health and Social Welfare of 30 May 1996 on conducting medical examinations of employees, the scope of preventive health care over employees and medical certificates issued for purposes provided for in the Labour Code (i.e. Journal of Laws 2023, item 607)).

To whom should I hand over the original medical certificate?

Once you have completed the examination and received the certificate, you must present it to your work unit. If you use a screen monitor for at least half of your working hours, make sure that the certificate states that you need to use corrective glasses.

How long will I have to wait for the tests?

The service must be provided at the latest within 5 working days counted from the day after registration. The Contractor shall ensure the provision of medical services from Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Who can take health leave?

Health leave may be taken by an academic staff member under 65 years of age, employed full-time, after at least 10 years of employment at the university. The total amount of leave during the entire period of employment may not exceed one year.

Is health leave paid?

Yes. However, during this leave, an academic staff member may not engage in gainful employment.

How can you apply for health leave?


  1. You submit a completed application for medical leave (template available in the Document Repository) to the Faculty Dean/Director of the Centre, who prepares a medical referral for you.
    You submit the application together with the referral to the HR Centre - Human Resources.
  2. The application and referral are accepted by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.
  3. Once the application and referral are accepted by the Vice-Rector, you report for medical examination (no later than 30 days after receiving the referral).
  4. You provide a medical certificate stating that your health condition requires you to refrain from work and specifying the recommended treatment and the time required for this treatment to be carried out to the HR - Human Resources Centre, where a letter of medical leave is prepared.
  5. The letter informing of the granting of leave is forwarded to the requesting employee and the employing organisational unit.

For more information on the procedure for granting leave of absence for health reasons, please see Appendix 2 to the Working Regulations of the Gdansk University of Technology (ZR No. 46/2020)

How can I obtain a certificate of special work?
Work in special conditions or of a special nature is confirmed by the workplace by issuing a certificate of work in special conditions or of a special nature on the basis of the documentation in its possession. Proceedings aimed at determining whether an employee fulfils the prerequisites for the acquisition of social security benefits, including early retirement, fall within the competence of ZUS units.

You address the letter requesting a certificate for work in special conditions or of a special nature to:

the rector or the vice-rector for academic affairs - in the case of academic staff,
the Chancellor - in the case of non-academic staff.
You submit your letter to the HR Centre - Human Resources, Building B, room 110.

Where can I get information about Care Insurance?

For information on group health insurance Medical Care, please contact the HR Centre - Social Affairs Team, Building B, Room 108, or telephone numbers: +48 58 348 63 75, +48 58 347 20 66, +48 58 347 11 42, +48 58 347 29 56.

By when can I apply to join the Medical Care insurance?

You can sign the Medical Care Cover Declaration by the 10th of each month.

By when can I apply to join the Medical Care insurance?

You can sign the declaration to join the Medical Care insurance until the 20th of each month

From when can I benefit from Medical Care?

If you sign a declaration of coverage by the 10th of the month, you will be able to use Medical Care from the first day of the following month.

Who can join Medical Care?

You and your spouse or life partner (regardless of age) and children (up to the age of 25, cover lasts until the age of 26) can join the Medical Care insurance.

What is the scope of Medical Care?

You have a choice of four medical service ranges: Standard, Comfort, Comfort plus and Optimum. You can find detailed information and all the necessary documents here.

What is the contribution rate?

The premium depends on the coverage and package you choose. You have a choice of individual, partner and family package. You can find the premiums for the individual scopes / packages in the insurance offer.

How and when can I make changes to my Medical Care?

If you wish to make a change to your personal details or coverage/package, you can do so again by completing the coverage statements and submitting them to the HR Centre - Social Affairs Team (Building B, Room 108).

Changes to the coverage and/or package of insurance:

- in the case of a change of package "from lower to higher" - you can do this at any time, if you notify the change by the 10th of the month, it will be effective from the first day of the following month,

- in the case of a change of package "from higher to lower" (in the case of packages, a change from family to partner or individual, from partner to individual or scope, for example, Optimum to Comfort Plus) - you can only do this on the contract anniversary (i.e. 1 June), the change must be notified by 10 May.

If I would like to cancel my Medical Care insurance, by when can I do so?

If you submit your cancellation by the 10th of the month, it will take effect from the first day of the following month.

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Holiday resort Czarlina

Who can enjoy a holiday at the Holiday resort?

Holiday resort can be used by employees, pensioners of GUT and their family members entitled to benefits from the GUT Social Fund. If places are available, people from outside GUT may also use the Holiday resort.

How can I book a cottage outside the holiday season?

You can book a cottage at the Social Affairs Team. Enrolment for spring stays starts annually at the beginning of March and for autumn stays at the beginning of April. You can find the exact dates and registration rules on the Holiday resort website

How do I book a holiday cottage?

Bookings for holidays are made via electronic applications in the system at The deadline for applications and the rules for holidays can be found on the Holiday resort website ( under the Information tab.

Where can I find fee schedules,Holiday resort regulations, etc.?

The price list of accommodation fees, the price list of holidays, the price list of equipment rental, the regulations of the Holiday resort, an extract from the regulations of the GUT Social Fund concerning holidays are available on the website of the Holiday resort under the tab Information.

Can I bring my pet to the Holiday resort?

Yes, you can bring your pet to the resort. It is allowed to bring your pet in spring, autumn and on the 6th holiday period (September).

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Where can I find information about the kindergarten?

You will find all the information about the kindergarten here.

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Benefit program (Mulisport card)

Who can I enrol in the Benefit program?

You can enrol yourself, a companion and children into the Benefit program. For the employee and companion, this is the MultiSport Plus Card, while for children it is the MultiSport Kids Aqua Card.

What documents do I need to submit?

To receive a MultiSport Card you must submit an application form and with it a signed declaration of consent form (each person must sign a separate form).

Where can I use the card?

The current list of places honouring the MultiSport Card can be found at

By when can I apply to participate in the program?

You can submit your application by the 15th of each month.

When will my card be active?

If you apply by the 15th of the month, you will be able to use the card from the 1st of the following month

How do I pay for the use of the program?

The fee for using the programme is taken from your salary.

What do I need to do to opt out of the program?

If you submit your cancellation by the 15th of the month, the card will be deactivated from the 1st of the following month. You can do this by sending an email to

Can I suspend the card?

No, it is not possible to suspend the card. You can resign from it. You can join again three months after cancelling.

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