Employees who have experienced difficult situations in the workplace can expect individual consultation and support from specialists in the following areas:

Bullying, discrimination, unequal treatment

Support and counseling for experienced bullying, discrimination and unequal treatment and micro-violent behavior at Gdansk University of Technology.

Consultation is provided by Dr. Marcin Szulc - psychologist

Consultations are held by individual appointment in Room 210C in the Bratnik building, on Thursdays from 8:00-10:00 am.

To make an appointment for a consultation email: marcin.szulc@pg.edu.pl


Support for employees working with individuals on the autism spectrum or with ADHD. During the consultation, the employee will learn how to create an effective shared work space, how to support the learning process and create optimal conditions in the academic space.

Consultations are conducted by Dr. Agata Rudnik - psychologist

Consultations are held by individual appointment in room 210C in the Bratniak building.

To make an appointment for a consultation write an email: wsparcie.hr@pg.edu.pl

Support after crisis intervention

Support after crisis intervention in the workplace for people employed at the Gdansk University of Technology who directly or indirectly participated in crisis intervention in the workplace (including, for example, after providing support to a student in suicidal crisis - suicide attempt).

Consultations are conducted by Dr. Agata Rudnik - psychologist

Consultations are held by individual appointment in room 210C in the Bratniak building.

To make an appointment for a consultation email: wsparcie.hr@pg.edu.pl

Support in building constructive relationships within the team

Support for all employees in building constructive relationships with co-workers, subordinates and superiors. During the consultation, the employee will develop a plan of actions that should be taken to resolve difficult situations in the work team.

Consultations are conducted by Dr. Dorota Godlewska-Werner - psychologist

Consultations are held by individual appointment in room 210C in the Bratniak building.

To make an appointment for a consultation write an e-mail: dorota.godlewska-werner@pg.edu.pl

More information about consultants   Crisis support phones