
If you have suffered an accident in/at work, on your way to or from work and your health allows it, immediately notify your supervisor of the incident and Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Safety Department. The OHS Department may also be informed by another employee who has knowledge of the event about the accident.

Detailed information on the post-accident procedure is provided for in Rector's Regulation No. 30/2015


Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Safety Department
phone: +48 58 347 19 98
phone: +48 58 348 62 19
phone: +48 58 348 62 47

Occupational disease

An employee's disease caused by factors harmful to health present in the working environment or the way work is performed may be considered an occupational disease. A prerequisite is that the disease is included in the list of occupational diseases and has been confirmed indisputably as a result of the assessment of working conditions. The procedure for determining an occupational disease of an employee is conducted by the competent state sanitary inspector on the basis of evidence, in particular data contained in the medical certificate issued by a doctor and assessment of the employee's occupational exposure.

If you have been diagnosed with an occupational disease and you are an academic teacher, you cannot work overtime. Non-academic staff may not be employed overtime. Consent to overtime work may be given by the rector only at the employee's written request.

Harmful conditions

If you have worked in harmful conditions, you can request a certificate of employment confirming this fact. On the basis of the possessed documentation, the workplace may issue a certificate of work in special conditions or of a special nature.

Proceedings aimed at determining whether an employee meets the conditions for acquiring social insurance benefits, including early retirement, fall within the competence of ZUS units.

If you have additional questions about accidents, occupational diseases or factors harmful to health in the working environment, harmful conditions, visit FAQ or contact HR Center or Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Safety Department.


HR Center – Personnel Department
Mariola Hynek,, phone: +48 58 347 11 65

Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Safety Department
phone: +48 58 347 19 98
phone: +48 58 348 62 19
phone: +48 58 348 62 47

First aid

Each of us can unexpectedly face an emergency which requires providing first aid to a person who collapses, loses breath, stops breathing and suffers a sudden cardiac arrest. Then it is crucial to quickly restore the proper functioning of the heart.

Life-saving equipment in case of sudden cardiac arrest has been placed on the premises of Gdańsk University of Technology. AED defibrillators are located in the most frequently visited places on the campus, in almost all university buildings, in student dormitories, in the Academic Sports Center, as well as in Czarlina Holiday Resort. There are information boards installed on buildings with defibrillators.

If you have additional questions concerning first aid, contact Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Safety Department.


Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Safety Department
phone: +48 58 347 19 98
phone: +48 58 348 62 19
phone: +48 58 348 62 47

Important in case of immediate life risk

In the event of direct threats to life and health in the facilities of Gdańsk University of Technology, e.g. a terrorist attack, planting an explosive charge, receiving a parcel of unknown origin, biological or chemical contamination, failure of the gas installation, flooding of the building, construction disaster, immediately contact the Security Office at the 24/7 telephone number:

  • phone: 19789 (landline)
  • phone: 58 19789 (mobile).

Detailed information on the procedure for direct threats to life and health in the facilities of Gdańsk University of Technology is provided for in Regulation of the Rector No. 69/2022 of 12 October 2022.

 If you have additional questions regarding the procedure for direct threats to life and health in Gdańśk Tech facilities, visit FAQ or contact the Safety Office.